Ever since I left, this site has gone to hell. Now before any of you go "NO IT HASN'T, YOU'RE JUST BUTTHURT", how many people did I ban on a weekly basis? Yeah, hardly any. But when **** went down, whowas the one to stop it before it got worse? Me.
Ever since I came back, I've seen that the only person who posts around here is Wertwe, and the reason being is that he makes retarded spam posts that are not only useless, but are just copies of what everyone else says in his own description. It's bullshit. This site wasn't supposed to be filled with spam, but here you are, allowing Wertwe to **** this site up with one worded posts, or posts that don't even revolve around the actual topic. Hell, if he gets the chance, he starts talking major **** about something he doesn't even know about.
If you want this site to be successful, then you're going to have to kick out all the alts and all the retarded children. As much as I don't care for Op7ix anymore, I don't wanna see another clan (Or site for that matter) go down because they couldn't just boot the fucking kids.